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Direct booking benefits
Elisabeth Preyer

Book directly and safe money

Book directly with us and secure exclusive benefits!

  • Up to 10 % discount on the current daily rate
  • A welcome gift as a surprise
  • Early check-in from 2 p.m. and late dheck-out until 12 p.m. (instead of 3 p.m./11 a.m.) subject to availability

Please enter the following code in the "PROMO CODE" field:


The best rate and all the benefits are guaranteed!

Book directly and safe money

Book directly with us and secure exclusive benefits!

  • Up to 10 % discount on the current daily rate
  • A welcome gift as a surprise
  • Early check-in from 2 p.m. and late dheck-out until 12 p.m. (instead of 3 p.m./11 a.m.) subject to availability

Please enter the following code in the "PROMO CODE" field:


The best rate and all the benefits are guaranteed!

Vienna with the whole family

Families welcome

To make sure you feel comfortable during your stay, we go the famous "extra mile" at Hotel Erzherzog Rainer.

Because one thing is clear: satisfied, happy children = relaxed parents

The team of the "archduke"

Your charming team at Hotel Erzherzog Rainer

To make sure you feel at home during your stay, the staff at Hotel Erzherzog Rainer go the famous "extra mile" to offer you perfect hospitality under the honorary protection of the Archduke Rainer.

Your new friend Teddy

Hello and "Servus" says the little bear "Rainer"

To guarantee a perfect family vacation, we pamper not only the adults, but especially the little princes and princesses. Vacation with the whole family is always something special. To make it even more unique we have thought of something very special at the Hotel Erzherzog Rainer to be able to pamper the little guests perfectly.


We have thought up a few extras for families

We care for your well-being

The hotel has spacious rooms, perfect for an extra bed or crib. Simply to dream and relax.
All inclusive services at a glance:

  • Generous breakfast buffet
  • Free wi-fi
  • Flatscreen SAT-TV with free Sky channels
  • Upholstery and blanket service for your individual sleeping comfort
  • Kettle for tea and coffee preparation in all rooms
  • All rooms with individually controllable and environmentally friendly air conditioning with fresh air supply

In order to guarantee a pleasant indoor climate for all guests, all rooms at Hotel Erzherzog Rainer are non-smoking.

Archduke Rainer wishes a wonderful night to all little princesses and princes

Equipment for the princesses and prices

  • Crib or extra bed with children's bedding
  • Cuddly soft children's bathrobe
  • Cushion for the little ones in the bathroom
  • Bathroom set for child-friendly, tear-free bathing fun
  • Teddy to take home as a souvenir
  • Kettle for hot drinks and minibar for cold drinks in the room
  • Child-friendly portions in the Wiener Wirtschaft restaurant
  • Large selection at the breakfast buffet
The big Viennese Ferris wheel in the Prater under a blue sky

The nearest playground in the green is very close by.

There is a lot for children to experience in Vienna, some of the local recreation areas are very easy to reach on foot or by public transport.
The Hotel Erzherzog Rainer is not far away from the green areas of Vienna. The Resslpark is only a stone's throw away.
Vienna's Wurstelprater is easy to reach with the subway line U1. With its range of attractions, it has a lot to offer for children - Autodrom, ring game, pony riding and much more.

Another tip: There is a lot for children to experience in Vienna. The team of the Hotel Erzherzog Rainer has collected some tips for great experiences in Vienna for the little princes and princesses to guarantee a perfect stay in Vienna. Further information is available directly at the reception.
Here is something to read to get you excited for your stay in Vienna with your kids

25 sights for children in Vienna (
Playground in Resselpark - Kids Love Vienna

Experience perfect hospitality for the whole family under the honorary protection of Archduke Rainer. Book your relaxing Vienna holiday at Hotel Erzherzog Rainer.


Book directly and safe money

Book directly with us and secure exclusive benefits!

  • Up to 10 % discount on the current daily rate
  • A welcome gift as a surprise
  • Early check-in from 2 p.m. and late dheck-out until 12 p.m. (instead of 3 p.m./11 a.m.) subject to availability

Please enter the following code in the "PROMO CODE" field:


The best rate and all the benefits are guaranteed!

Direct booking