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Direct booking benefits
Elisabeth Preyer

Book directly and safe money

Book directly with us and secure exclusive benefits!

  • Up to 10 % discount on the current daily rate
  • A welcome gift as a surprise
  • Early check-in from 2 p.m. and late dheck-out until 12 p.m. (instead of 3 p.m./11 a.m.) subject to availability

Please enter the following code in the "PROMO CODE" field:


The best rate and all the benefits are guaranteed!

Book directly and safe money

Book directly with us and secure exclusive benefits!

  • Up to 10 % discount on the current daily rate
  • A welcome gift as a surprise
  • Early check-in from 2 p.m. and late dheck-out until 12 p.m. (instead of 3 p.m./11 a.m.) subject to availability

Please enter the following code in the "PROMO CODE" field:


The best rate and all the benefits are guaranteed!


Book directly and safe money

Book directly with us and secure exclusive benefits!

  • Up to 10 % discount on the current daily rate
  • A welcome gift as a surprise
  • Early check-in from 2 p.m. and late dheck-out until 12 p.m. (instead of 3 p.m./11 a.m.) subject to availability

Please enter the following code in the "PROMO CODE" field:


The best rate and all the benefits are guaranteed!

Direct booking