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Elisabeth Preyer

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  • Up to 10 % discount on the current daily rate
  • A welcome gift as a surprise
  • Early check-in from 2 p.m. and late dheck-out until 12 p.m. (instead of 3 p.m./11 a.m.) subject to availability

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History of the Hotel Erzherzog Rainer

100 years of Viennese hospitality

In 2013, the Hotel Erzherzog Rainer celebrated its 100th anniversary. A turbulent century with two world wars and major social changes in which the Hotel Erzherzog Rainer has served as accommodation for domestic and foreign guests, lies behind the traditional business.

Old black and white photograph of a horse carriage with two dark horses a coachman and three passengers
Archduke Rainer on the road with the carriage

A clever businessman has an idea

Good marketing is not an invention of the 2nd half of the 20th century. Even 100 years ago, there were resourceful businessmen who understood the importance of image, diversification of supply and minimization of financial risk. But let's start from the beginning:

Leopold Nedomansky, K.u.K. was a court supplier of picture frames - a great honor at that time, but obviously the noble lords were not the most punctual payers. Therefore, he was looking for a line of business that did not allow long payment terms. Perhaps he was just sitting at lunch in a Viennese inn, thinking about the industries in which the bill for a service rendered was paid immediately.

The answer he came up with was relatively simple. In hotels and restaurants, bills were usually paid promptly. He probably regarded bill collectors as a negligible risk.

A hotel is built and gets a prominent namesake

And so it came to pass that Leopold Nedomansky, who today would be called a career changer, built a hotel on Wiedner Hauptstraße without any knowledge of the industry. Time showed that he certainly had a talent for the hotel business and gastronomy.

Leopold Nedomansky was not only able to recognize business opportunities, he was also aware of the importance of a name for his inn. He was able to persuade Archduke Rainer, who lived nearby in a city palace, to be the namesake for the hotel, giving it a distinguished flair. The original document with which the Archduke authorizes the hotel to bear his name is on display in the hotel's foyer.

Original document of the Archduke Rainer to the Hotel Erzherzog Rainer with the permission to bear his name
The document of the Archduke 1912

Wording of the certificate

Certificate issued by the Supreme Court Master's Office SR. K.U.K.. Highness of the most illustrious Lord Archduke Rainer

Your Highness Mr. Leopold Nedomansky
k.u.k. court supplier in
Vienna 4, Wiedner Hauptstrasse, No. 27-29

His Imperial and Royal Highness the most illustrious Lord Archduke Rainer graciously deigned to grant you to name your new hotel, 4th district, Wiedner Hauptstrasse, No. 27-29, "Erzherzog Rainer Hotel".

Vienna, November 30, 1912. the Obersthofmeister

A hotel passes from family to family

Just before World War I, in 1913, the hotel was opened and remained in the ownership of the Nedomansky family for 80 years.

At that time, the newly arrived guests were published in the "Fremden-Blatt", a supplement to the daily newspaper. We have found an excerpt for you from October 10, 1913. Among the guests: an engineer, a merchant and "privateers".

In 1994, the Nedomansky family sold their hotel to the Schick family, a hotelier family with an equally long tradition and a portfolio of four hotels. They felt that only a family business could take over the management of a family business and knew that the Hotel Erzherzog Rainer was in good hands here.

The two families have a close friendship and so in 2013 the 100th anniversary of the hotel was celebrated together in a wonderful ceremony.

Spend your Vienna stay in this house full of Viennese charm and nostalgia and book your room conveniently online at Hotel Erzherzog Rainer.


Book directly and safe money

Book directly with us and secure exclusive benefits!

  • Up to 10 % discount on the current daily rate
  • A welcome gift as a surprise
  • Early check-in from 2 p.m. and late dheck-out until 12 p.m. (instead of 3 p.m./11 a.m.) subject to availability

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Direct booking