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Direct booking benefits
Elisabeth Preyer

Book directly and safe money

Book directly with us and secure exclusive benefits!

  • Up to 10 % discount on the current daily rate
  • A welcome gift as a surprise
  • Early check-in from 2 p.m. and late dheck-out until 12 p.m. (instead of 3 p.m./11 a.m.) subject to availability

Please enter the following code in the "PROMO CODE" field:


The best rate and all the benefits are guaranteed!

Book directly and safe money

Book directly with us and secure exclusive benefits!

  • Up to 10 % discount on the current daily rate
  • A welcome gift as a surprise
  • Early check-in from 2 p.m. and late dheck-out until 12 p.m. (instead of 3 p.m./11 a.m.) subject to availability

Please enter the following code in the "PROMO CODE" field:


The best rate and all the benefits are guaranteed!

Modern seminar rooms in a traditional building

Exclusive rooms for seminars & meetings in the 4th district

In the Hotel Erzherzog Rainer and the Wiener Wirtschaft you can choose yourself what kind of seminar or meeting you want to organize. The cozy and traditional ambience is suitable for any occasion. And best of all, the two completely different seminar rooms allow you to hold both small and large meetings in Vienna.

The seminar rooms in the 4* Hotel Erzherzog Rainer

Meetingroom at Hotel Erzherzog Rainer


  • Area: 60 m²
  • Dimensions: 12 x 5 m
  • Daylight from one side
  • Darkening possible
  • Air conditioning
NUMBER OF PERSONS 25 to 30 24 up to 36
Eventroom "Serviette"


  • Area: 85 m²
  • Dimensions: 13 x 7 m
  • Height 4,5 m
  • Location: ground floor
  • Air conditioning
Possible seating arrangements Picture of the seating options for seminars at the Hotel Erzherzog Rainer Picture of the seating options for seminars at the Hotel Erzherzog Rainer Picture of the seating options for seminars at the Hotel Erzherzog Rainer
Number of persons up to 22 up to 50 up to 80
Meetingroom at Hotel Erzherzog Rainer

Seminars & Conferences in the 4th district

The Hotel Erzherzog Rainer is located in the 4th district of Vienna, in Wieden. Here you feel like you are there in the city. The small stores invite you to stroll during your break, cozy cafes give you a bit of rest during the day and the people infect you with their cheerfulness and unique Viennese charm (Schmäh).

The true relaxation after the interesting meeting is offered by the Wiener Wirtschaft with its traditional Austrian dishes and distinctive Viennese cuisine. Here you can chat with your colleagues about the past seminar, network with people from the same profession, or just wind down for the day.

The travel to the Hotel Erzherzog Rainer is easy. The hotel is located in Wiedener Hauptstraße, just a few minutes walk from the famous Karlsplatz, the Vienna State Opera or the popular Kärntnerstraße. Here you can easily park your car. And if you do arrive by public transport, the streetcar and the subway are right at your feet.

Portrait photo of Jeniffer Kuba

Your contact person for your seminars & meetings is:

Banquet Manager
Ms. Jeniffer Kuba
Tel.: +43 1 211 50 520

I am very glad to receive your inquiry.

You prefer to use the advantages of a form? Inquire now for your meeting at the Schick Hotel Erzherzog Rainer and the associated Wiener Wirtschaft!


Book directly and safe money

Book directly with us and secure exclusive benefits!

  • Up to 10 % discount on the current daily rate
  • A welcome gift as a surprise
  • Early check-in from 2 p.m. and late dheck-out until 12 p.m. (instead of 3 p.m./11 a.m.) subject to availability

Please enter the following code in the "PROMO CODE" field:


The best rate and all the benefits are guaranteed!

Direct booking
Event inquiry