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Direct booking benefits
Elisabeth Preyer

Book directly and safe money

Book directly with us and secure exclusive benefits!

  • Up to 10 % discount on the current daily rate
  • A welcome gift as a surprise
  • Early check-in from 2 p.m. and late dheck-out until 12 p.m. (instead of 3 p.m./11 a.m.) subject to availability

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The best rate and all the benefits are guaranteed!

Book directly and safe money

Book directly with us and secure exclusive benefits!

  • Up to 10 % discount on the current daily rate
  • A welcome gift as a surprise
  • Early check-in from 2 p.m. and late dheck-out until 12 p.m. (instead of 3 p.m./11 a.m.) subject to availability

Please enter the following code in the "PROMO CODE" field:


The best rate and all the benefits are guaranteed!

The Viennese Hotel Erzherzog Rainer

Living in a Viennese institution

For over 100 years, always managed as a family business, always committed to the Viennese tradition.

Old monochromatic photograph of the then Archduke Rainer, the name giver of the Hotel Erzherzog Rainer.
Name giver: Archduke Rainer

A hotel with 100 years of history

The hotel Erzherzog Rainer, built by a K.u.K.. Hoflieferanten is a Viennese institution. Located in the middle of the "Freihausviertel", in the 4th district, with its manufactories and small specialty stores, this hotel in Vienna is close to the center and within walking distance of the Karlskirche, Belvedere Palace, Musikverein and Opera.

A family business remains a family business

After its establishment in 1913, the hotel remained in the hands of the Nedomansky family for 80 years.

In 1994, the Nedomansky family sold the hotel to another dynasty, the Schick family, a hotelier family with an equally long tradition. Only a family business can carry on the traditional values of a family business.

The families remain close friends to this day, and in 2013 they celebrated the 100th anniversary of the hotel with a wonderful ceremony.

The customized vacation

With a range of offers, the Hotel Erzherzog Rainer can meet your very special needs. Whether it's special pillows and comforters, special requests for breakfast or a parking space, everything is provided for you.

Wi-fi and Sky television channels in all rooms are a matter of course.

Particularly energy-efficient and environmentally friendly according to the latest technical guidelines works the individually controllable air conditioning with fresh air supply - in all rooms and in the public areas.

Eating well at home

The Restaurant Wiener Wirtschaft at the Hotel Erzherzog Rainer cooks in the tradition of Austrian K.u.K. cuisine, this culinary potpourri of the former great power Austria.

Book your room at Hotel Erzherzog Rainer now and immerse yourself in the city of Vienna in the Imperial and Royal period. Time. A true journey through time at the highest level awaits you in one of the most livable cities in the world.


Book directly and safe money

Book directly with us and secure exclusive benefits!

  • Up to 10 % discount on the current daily rate
  • A welcome gift as a surprise
  • Early check-in from 2 p.m. and late dheck-out until 12 p.m. (instead of 3 p.m./11 a.m.) subject to availability

Please enter the following code in the "PROMO CODE" field:


The best rate and all the benefits are guaranteed!

Direct booking